5'11 CI Rookie 15


First seen on the WCT tour in 2010, the Rookie has been rediscovered by our entire CT team this year; Seabass, Kelly, Adriano, Lakey, Bianca, Sage and Kai all have won heats on the new Rookie 15. Ridden shorter and wider than the original, the Rook 15 is the ultimate contest workhorse. Single concave throughout, the Rook 15 works best when on rail. Ride this board your same height to 2” longer.

Board dimensions: 5'11" x 19” x 27 L

Brand: Channel Islands

Fin type: Thruster

Rate: $30/Day

(Multi-day discount available)

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"Surfing to me is like playing music. You play different melodies with different boards."

Skip Frye